We place a big emphasis on doing things together. We eat together, we laugh together, we study God's Word together, we pray together. LifeGroups offer a chance to connect with and encourage others, and to be encouraged yourself.
Each LifeGroup meets on Sunday morning at 9:00am.
A note from Brian:
“The goal of our class is to teach the Word of God to Christians eager to learn more about the Christian life, the problems of today, and current events focusing on the Bible. Various ages but geared toward 20-50 years old. We teach from various Bible studies from well-known Christian authors and pastors.”
A note from Bret:
“The SALT Class is a friendly, encouraging, and supportive group who enjoys laughter and fellowship as we study God's Word.”
A note from Jennie:
“Growing in Christ is a journey – a life-long journey toward spiritual maturity. In our class, we study and learn intentional subjects to strengthen our discipleship. Our subject studies last about 6 weeks. We are co-ed and any age is welcome.”
A note from Faith & Betty:
“Anyone is welcome to the Reflections Class, but as the name implies, we are made up mostly of Senior Citizens who enjoy studying the Bible from the perspective related to the sunset time of our lives. We vary in our studies from using the main Sunday School quarterly to completing topical Bible or book studies once or twice per year. We are also active in that once per quarter we have an activity and/or fellowship that keeps our bonds strong both in the church and outside of it.”