A funny thing happened at school today.  Well, it would be funny if it didn’t happen quite so often.  A boy was talking.  A girl (who happened to be several seats away but that’s a whole other topic) felt obligated to set him straight so she had to respond to most every comment he made.  Of course, the comments turned into barbs aimed at each other which turned up the volume.  (Yes, this is in the middle of my class when I’m trying to teach!)  So, I’m trying to talk through this and I said something about the girl talking.  She promptly replied, “I wasn’t talking.”  What??  “I wasn’t talking.  He said (whatever) and I was just telling him that he couldn’t do it.”  The common variation on this is, “I wasn’t talking, I was just answering his question.”   

I don’t know about you, but back in my day, if sound was coming out of your mouth, you were talking – no matter the reason.  Apparently, these kids think talking only means you are carrying on a conversation.  They’ve narrowed down the definition to suit themselves and their needs.   

OUCH!!  Does that sound familiar?  How often has the whole human race done this to justify our sins?  God is truth so we want to downplay our lies by categorizing them.  “This is only a little white lie.  It won’t hurt anybody.”  “It’s not exactly a lie, just not quite the truth.”  “I’d hurt her feelings if I told her the truth about…” 

Our society has become quite adept at redefining.  A baby in the womb is not really a baby, just a blob of tissue.  A lifestyle choice is not a choice, it’s genetics.  Religions outside of Christianity are okay as long as you sincerely believe it.   

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  You can’t get much plainer than that, no matter how you may try to twist it or water it down.  And being truth, you just can’t get around it!   

Until our next togethering,

love ya,


Categories: Bret's Notes