Kaitlyn Mayfield

I recently had a chance to talk with Kaitlyn about her experience in youth group along with her next steps after she graduates on May 18. This is a transcript of that interview.


Zac: Okay, so I’m going to start by asking you some rapid-fire questions. First question, what is your favorite food?

Kaitlyn: Chicken Spaghetti

Zac: That sounds delicious. What is your favorite hobby?

Kaitlyn: Going to sleep.

Zac: That’s not a hobby! Let’s say you have a wide open Saturday, what is your ideal way to spend it?

Kaitlyn: Probably laying out by the pool.

Zac: Favorite animal?

Kaitlyn: A monkey.

Zac: What is your favorite vacation destination?

Kaitlyn: The beach.

Zac: Okay, give us a specific place.

Kaitlyn: Panama City

Zac: Why Panama City?

Kaitlyn: That’s the first beach I ever went to, and the sunsets are amazing.

Zac: What is your favorite movie?

Kaitlyn: Grace Unplugged.

Zac: Really? That’s a good one. Why is that your favorite?

Kaitlyn: I don’t know. I just really like it.

Zac: Alright give us a fun fact about yourself.

Kaitlyn: Okay, you’re going to laugh when I tell you this. I go to sleep every night before 8:30.

Zac: Before 8:30! What time do you have to get up?

Kaitlyn: 5:30

Zac: That’s like 10 hours of sleep!

Kaitlyn: Hey, people need that sleep. I have no idea what’s wrong with me, but I’m not a night person anymore. If I don’t have my sleep I get cranky.

Zac: That’s really funny. Okay, so you’ve been in youth group for 6 years now. Out of all those years, what’s your favorite youth group memory?

Kaitlyn: We went to a camp in Mississippi called M-Fuge. It was really hot. It was an uphill walk from where the girls stayed to everything else. I kid you not, by the time we were done, my ankles were the size of softballs. It was really funny; but that was one of my first experiences at M-Fuge.

Zac: That’s neat. What would you say is the most impactful thing God has taught you through youth group?

Kaitlyn: That you’ll become closer to the people in your youth group than your regular friends.

Zac: Neat. So you’ve seen that to be true for you?

Kaitlyn: I met my best friend through youth group – Sarah Kate.

Zac: So your graduation is coming up soon – you’re not counting down the days are you?

Kaitlyn: Yes I am!

Zac: What would you say are your next steps after you graduate?

Kaitlyn: Well I plan to babysit over the summer. Then, in the fall, I’ll start at Jackson State. When I go to Jackson State I’ll almost be a sophomore because I’ve taken a bunch of college classes. Then I hope to get in their nursing program.

Zac: Now, what is that? Jackson State has a nursing program?

Kaitlyn: Yes, to become a registered nurse. You go through that program, then you have to take your NCLEX exam, and, once you pass that, then you become a RN.

Zac: That ties into my next question. As of right now, where do you think the Lord is leading you to?

Kaitlyn: To be a Pediatric Oncology Nurse.

Zac: Okay, talk to me like I’m 10 years old.

Kaitlyn: Alright, pediatric deals with kids. Oncology deals with cancer. And a nurse is a nurse. So a kid’s cancer nurse.

Zac: So that’s what the Lord is calling you to. That’s exciting! I’m excited for you; we all are excited for you. Last question: what is your favorite Bible verse?

Kaitlyn: My favorite verse is Ephesians 5:14.

Ephesians 5:14

For anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,

“Awake, O sleeper,

and arise from the dead,

and Christ will shine on you.”