We were thankful for an excellent gathering this Sunday. Several people came to enjoy Daniel Akers and his wife Kendle. They are a charming and devoted couple who blessed us with both singing and speaking! Their son, Haddon, was with them; and a daughter, Piper is due in May. Pray for them for a safe and healthy delivery!

This Wednesday evening I will be talking about the Prophet Amos. Past Wednesday concerning Joel was a difficult topic. Joel was a remarkable prophet with a brief but powerful writing about God’s plans for the future of Israel and the world!

On Sunday, February 3, we will conclude our Jesus Series by speaking on being with Jesus for all Eternity!

Our nation is at a very low point considering our state legislators in 7 different states have laws allowing abortion even at the point of birth; they excuse this by the use of the “health of the mother” without regard for the inalienable right of the baby to life!

God will bring judgment on our nation and any nation which allows this kind of barbarism! There are simply no adequate words to define this cruel wickedness. Please speak out for life for the innocent!!!

On Feb. 10, our Deacons will have our first meeting with introduction to their Deacon Family Ministry materials.

You have seen a list in the bulletin of people for whom we are seeking contact information. Please help by calling the church and leaving information with one of the staff or on voice mail. If you can, email the information or send a note, Attn: Church Secretary, Tonya Kirkland!

This information will help our Deacons find a way to minister to more families in our fellowship!

No Sunday night service on Feb. 3. Our Deacons Meeting, Fellowship Meal and Business Meeting  will be on Feb. 10.

Pray about your part. This is a very important time in the life of our church!           

It’s hard to believe, but it’s 2019! “Nothing Routine in Twenty Nineteen!”

I remain grateful to serve with you!

Bro. Wayne