9/11/2001 will be in most of our memories for the rest of our lives. We learned a lot from that tragedy; the bad, who we can or cannot trust, and how our nation was galvanized by a common enemy.
The church should also realize that we have a common enemy. Satan is a declared enemy of God and thus, our enemy as well. We must be aware of his devices and his determination to destroy!
God is our great Redeemer, Savior, Sustainer, and Friend. He is always with us and will help us as we stand against the enemy, whether that is an earthly enemy of God ruler by the demonic powers, or the demonic powers ruled by Satan.
“Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.”
We must understand that no one or no thing can stand against us as we stand with God. Trusting Him as we go day by day, we will be able to stand against ‘all the fiery darts’ of the wicked one!
Sunday was a very worshipful day for me. It was a blessing to be with God’s people and enjoy Christian fellowship! Thank you for everything you did to serve the Lord and serve one another!
Upcoming blessings are ours! Be alert to the movements of God in your life, in your family, in our church and in our community. Bells is a great place to serve Jesus Christ!
Happy to Minister alongside you!
Brother Wayne