Many people think of Labor Day as simply the last long weekend of summer. Why on earth would anyone want to celebrate labor? Isn’t it just a necessary evil which we must undertake to keep food on the table?

The Bible points us toward a much higher motive for working. Ephesians 4:28 says…

“Let him who steals, steal no longer; but rather let him labor, performing with his own hands what is good, in order that he may have something to share with him who has a need.”

Paul contrasts the attitude of a thief, who takes from the community, with the attitude of a Christian who gives back to the community. It is through our labor that we provide for our own needs, develop our skills, and contribute to our community.

Most of our active church members took part in a “labor of love” just last Saturday. They came out on the first really hot day we have had in weeks to take part in our “InAsMuch” project. Most of the project involved some form of manual labor, and all of the projects involved giving to others.

Colossians 3:23 says…

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.”

This instruction does not just apply to special ministry projects, or even just to our labor within the church organization itself. “Do your work heartily, as for the Lord,”, also applies to our “regular” work. This should make it a little bit easier when it is time to climb out of bed on a Monday morning.

In most cases, we must witness to our faith by our attitude and by the quality of work we do, before anyone will pay much attention to our efforts at witnessing with our mouths. May God help us to “work heartily, as for the Lord” in all that we do.

Bro. Dennis