I am w-e-a-r-y! When I say it that long it means I am half-past wiped out. Louise and I just hosted a week long, family get-together in which we celebrated four birthdays, and had a going away party for our oldest granddaughter, who is being sent overseas by the Army.

On the last day of our family get-together, our fall revival began here at First Baptist Church. Family get-togethers and church revivals have many things in common. We look forward to both events with a great deal of excitement. Everyone involved rearranges their normal schedules in order to be able to take part in both events. When each event begins we are all on our best behavior and determined to get as much out of it as we can. Both events are so enjoyable that we often stay up later than usual or get up earlier than usual, or both. The end result is that by the time each event is over we are w-e-a-r-y.

Does that mean they are not worth it? Of course not! While both events may drain our supply of physical energy, they refill our supply of emotional or spiritual love. A nap on the next Saturday and Sunday afternoons can normally replenish our physical energy. It is not that easy to replenish emotional or spiritual energy.

Both family get-togethers and church revival are certainly worth the effort. You are on your own when it comes to planning your family get-together. But those of you who receive this newsletter by e-mail still have time to enjoy one or two services of the revival. Services begin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. I hope to see you!

Bro. Dennis