“In your hearts, honor Christ the Lord as holy, being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…” 1 Peter 3:15

Have you watched the news this week? Many things have happened, but what caught my attention and the attention of many others, was the shooting that took place at a community college in Oregon. A gunman walked into a classroom, and lined the students up. He asked each student if they were a Christian. If any of the students said yes, they were shot and killed. Those who said no were shot in the leg. So, one by one he asked the students. I believe 10 people were killed for saying they were Christians.

It is horrible what took place. College students killed for their faith. Sadly, this is not the first time, and it isn’t only happening in our country. Our brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world are persecuted and have their lives taken from them, just because they believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Being saved does not take away pain, suffering, even persecution. In fact, Jesus told us that we will face hardships, but we can take heart, for He has overcome the world (Jn. 16:33). We are identified with Christ, if you are saved. Our hope is not found in anything that this world has to offer. Our hope and joy comes from Jesus. We should live our lives with a joy and a hope in the midst of this broken world. People should look at us and see the way we live, and they should want to know why we take all things in stride. Why we consider it joy when we face trials of various kinds. In the midst of the dark world, in the midst of suffering, pain, and even persecution, God has given us the opportunity to be lights. Keep your eyes on Christ, and do not look to the things of the world to make life better. We have all we could ever need; redemption, reconciliation, assurance of faith, and a promised reward in heaven, and it is all found in Christ.