Verse: Isaiah 40:8

The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God will stand forever.

Devotional Thoughts:

We have many reasons to believe that the Bible is the Word of God. We’re going to explore three more reasons why we can believe just that.

First, there is archeological evidence. Recent excavations of the city of Jericho has shown that the walls of the city fell much like the book of Joshua claims they did. The fossils of marine animals have been found in the rock layers of the Grand  Canyon, and even fossils as large as whale fossils have been found in mountains as high as the Himalayas.

Second, the Bible is scientifically accurate. Now, the Bible is not primarily a book about archeology. It’s not primarily a book about science. But when it speaks on these subjects, it is always accurate, because it is inspired by God.

How else could Job, in one of the oldest literary works in history, known that the earth was suspended in space?


He stretches out the north over the void
and hangs the earth on nothing.

– Job 26:7


How could Isaiah known that the earth was a sphere, hundreds of years before the rest of the world came to the realization?


It is He who sits above the circle of the earth…

– Isaiah 40:22


Third, there is so much prophetic evidence in the Bible. Books could be written, and indeed have, on the prophetic accuracy in the Bible. Micah 5 testifies that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. 2 Samuel 7 promises that the Messiah would come from David’s lineage. In Psalm 22, David describes crucifixion, Jesus’ crucifixion specifically, many years before crucifixion was even invented. And there are many more fulfilled prophecies still.

As Adrian Rogers has well said, “The Bible is not the Book of the Year, it is the Book of the Ages!” Many have tried to get rid of it, belittle it, disprove it, but yet it still stands. And it stands because it is the inerrant, infallible Word of God.



Categories: Daybreak