I didn’t sleep well one night and woke up sluggish and dragging.  “I know what I’ll do!  I’ll drink one of those energy drinks!”  I don’t normally do that.  They can make you jittery or you can have a big “crash” when it wears off.  “How bad can it be?” I thought.  It’s got some semblance of juice and vitamins and caffeine!  Now caffeine and I have a love/hate relationship.  Most of the time she leaves me alone:  I can drink a cup of coffee or soda and not tell a difference.  I enjoy a cup of coffee most every morning but can hardly ever tell if I’ve had one or not.  Now, if I don’t want it to bother me, that’s the very time it does.  If I think, “I’ve got to get some rest.  Hope I can get to sleep!” then the coffee I had yesterday will bother me!  Energy drink may help some folks but I’m still undecided.

Jesus, on the other hand, gives us supernatural power which nothing can compare.  Through His power, we can serve others with no thought about what we might get in return.  We can give to help the church or people in need, and do it cheerfully!  We can reach out and touch the “untouchable” people that seem to be everywhere.  In His power, we can even face and fend off the fiery darts that satan shoots at us.  His power can excite us but will never make us jittery.  We may get tired but through His power we will never tire of doing good.  Our crash is falling into bed at the end of a wonderful day serving Him.  So, go ahead and enjoy your monster or your java but be sure to go to the real source of power, Jesus!

As always, it sure was wonderful to be in God’s house with God’s people – His body and my family!  Until our next togethering.

Until our next togethering,
love ya, Bret. 


Categories: Bret's Notes