I did part of the joint compound job in our bathroom.  It came out… “fair to middlin’” as my Mom used to say.  Next step, primer!  (If you remember, I put one coat of paint on the ceiling – before I knew we should prime everything first.)  DaLee and Dory and I were stepping around each other – it’s only a bathroom, remember? – to spread the primer all over the walls and ceiling.  Once it dried, I found a spot I missed…and a spot where it was a little thin…and a drip here or there…but …we got the room primed!!  Now, I could have let a lack of experience, or a lack of professional training, or a serious deficiency of knowledge hinder me.  I could have sat in my chair and said, “I’ve never done that before.  That’s a job for a professional.  People get paid to do that.  I could never do that” and the job would probably still not be done.  Instead, I grabbed that roller and went to work.  It’s not perfect but it’s done!

Now, many people are hesitant to talk about Jesus with other people.  They think they can’t because they haven’t done it very much, or they have no formal training, or they’re terrible at Bible Trivia.  “Vocational ministers like Brother Dennis and evangelists are professionals and get paid to do that,” they think and so leave the task to them.  However, where would the world be if “professionals” were the only ones who ever shared about Jesus?  I would dare say that we would be missing a large percentage of Christians.  I would even be tempted to say that more people are led to Christ by family and friends than by preachers and evangelists. 

You may not know the “Roman Road” or where Cain’s wife came from but you can tell someone about how Jesus has changed your life!  Do that and help get the job of evangelism done.  I’m looking forward to a wonderful revival week with a mighty movement of God’s Spirit.

Until our next togethering,
love ya, Bret. 


Categories: Bret's Notes