After the wonderfully exhausting week of Bible School, DaLee and I were thinking about all the different VBS’s we had done at Bells as we went to bed.  We could name most of them and then I remembered “Weird Animals” from last year so we had one left.  We knew it was something about Australia.  “Outback Adventure?”  “No.”  “Outland…?” “No.”  We would get quiet for a moment until another guess would come to mind.  “You know we won’t be able to sleep until we figure this out.”  DaLee moved. “Are you going?”  “Yes!”  We grabbed a flashlight and tiptoed into the girls’ room.  As quietly as possible, we slid open a drawer and filed through the old t-shirts.  There is was!  “Boomerang Express!”  Stifling giggles, we crept back to our room, now able to rest our minds.  Pretty goofy, but you know the feeling!

Watching the mission videos each night, I was really impressed with the story about a group of students in California.  Eddie and Roddy were so in love with Jesus, they began to tell their friends about Him.  Some had questions they weren’t sure how to answer so they went to Roddy’s brother Paul who was studying to be a preacher.  Groups of twos and threes mushroomed into a weekly Bible study of around 50.  The kids’ changed lives caught the attention of their parents who started coming and now, they have organized into a church!  But it all started because a teenager was in love with Jesus and told his friends – much like Andrew, having met Jesus, went and found his brother Peter to tell him the good news. 

I was very convicted!  I will rant and rave about the latest movie or song but I’m not always so quick to rant about Jesus, my Savior who gave His life for me.  Loving and serving Jesus is so much more that mere church membership or attendance.  If He can free my soul, surely He can free my tongue to talk about Him.  Things to ponder… and thanks again for all the hard work in VBS.  That is just one of many ways to serve the Lord and tell others about Him.

Until our next togethering,
love ya, Bret. 


Categories: Bret's Notes