First, my deep thanks to our Bells Nursing Home Team! Tom Duffey is our Worship Leader, selecting hymns, distributing hymnals to the residents, and leading us in the singing time for our worship! Tammy Baird is our instrumentalist, playing for the hymns and sometimes selecting the music! Both of these are so very faithful and capable. They are a blessing on behalf of the Kingdom!! Thank you Tom and Tammy!

Another Senior Adult Ministry is each Thursday, 10 a.m., at Bells Retirement Center. Stewart Hall, Mary Elizabeth Miller, and Donna Sue Climer lead in this weekly ministry utilizing ministers from many different churches! This is well attended by the residents at the Retirement Center, including some of our own members, but largely individuals from other churches. Since the speaking is rotated, Bro. Zac and I are scheduled in turn with other ministers. The music is wonderful and the Spirit is always present. The people at the Center appreciate this ministry. Thanks to our Team as they minister through this tremendous setting!!!

We have ongoing and active leadership and participation in the  Christian Ministry Center which provides a variety of valuable resources, including food distribution on Tuesdays, to the people in our area. Our Director is Mark Wallace; our other team members: Jan Outlaw, Tammy Baird, Ricky Ketchum, and Robert Gaines.

What I’m trying to get across is that our Church is ministering outside of our Sunday and Wednesday worship and meetings. We have a broad scope of ministries that could benefit from your abilities and spiritual gifts! Please be prayerful as to how God may place you in one of these ministries for the gaining of souls!

Beverly, Natiley, and I are going east for several days to visit with Zachary and Anna in Greeneville, TN. We have been looking forward to being with them since Christmas! They are expecting their first child at the end of August! He is Worship Pastor at Tusculum Baptist Church, Tusculum, TN, across from Tusculum University. Thank you for the short break!

Bro. Zac will preach Sunday morning in our Worship Service. Pray for him as you pray for me while he prepares to deliver God’s Word! Thanks, Bro. Zac, for doing this!

The newsletter doesn’t simply appear out of nowhere! A lot is required to prepare and email or print and mail! Thank you, Tonya, for your labor of love in preparing an excellent newsletter!!

“Nothing Routine in Twenty Nineteen!”

I remain grateful to serve with you!     

Bro. Wayne