Dorothy said, “There’s no place like home!” That is certainly true for me! Many people travel to distant places that have a briefly enchanting hold on them. However, with all the interesting things that gain our attention in other parts of the world, there’s nothing like the place you call home! Bev, Natiley and I enjoyed our day away on a short vacation, but it’s great to be back!

One thing that draws my interest the most is sharing a common faith with people who love Christ. When you are in a gathering of people very distant from you spiritually, you are reminded how comforting it is to get back and worship our Lord among people we know and love.

When we gathered on April 22, I began a new series entitled ‘The Virtues of the Christian’! Each of the virtues holds remarkable promises for every believer. Unlike spiritual gifts, of which each of us is given different ones, ALL of the virtues are needed for every believer! Pray for understanding on how to internalize with strength these virtues and as we approach learning how to better practice, and exhibit these virtues.

On April 29, I will speak on Faith. We will have Friends and Family Day! Each of you should start your prayer list of those you will bring with you on Sunday, both for Morning Bible Study and for Worship. Then they will join us in the fellowship area for a wonderful meal!  It will be a great day which could impact our fellowship for quite a while!

May 6, we celebrate our Graduates! I will focus on the Christian virtue of Hope. Surely this is appropriate for our students as well as the rest of us.

Remember, everything we do matters for the Kingdom of God! You’ll be glad you were faithful and others will be blessed!

Happy to be,

Your Servant and the Lord’s,

Bro. Wayne