We live in a Postmodern society. That is, we live in a society that believes there is no absolute truth. It is the idea that goes along the lines of “what is right for you is right for you, however, it does not work for me.” It is a society where people can believe what they want, and all people should encourage them as they do what is right for them. Our society does not like it, though, when one person says they are right. Our culture does not want to face the reality that there is Truth, and it is absolute.
God has given us, as believers, an opportunity. He has placed us where we are for a reason. He wants us to be lights in this dark world that hates the light. Is it okay to let people live the way they want without intervening? The answer is no. You see, the Bible makes it very clear that it is not okay for people to believe what they want, as long as they enjoy life. Jesus Christ said…
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Jesus did not say that you can have eternal life any other way. Therefore, if one does not believe in Jesus Christ and has not repented of their sins, they will not inherit the Kingdom of God. The Christian worldview is not compatible with the postmodern worldview. It affects all, those who believe and will be with Christ in heaven after death, and those who do not believe and will spend eternity in the outer darkness apart from God.
It is not okay to sit by and allow those that God has placed us around to live life believing what they want to believe. Many Christians are scared of preaching the Gospel, for they do not want people to dislike them. If a person’s house is on fire, and they are inside, you would do whatever it took to let them know they are in danger and try to get them to safety. There are some who are so blind to the fact they are in danger due to their sin that they will remain in danger, it does not stop you from sharing the saving message with them.
One day we will stand before God and we will be held accountable for all those opportunities He has given us to share the Gospel. I do not want to have anyone’s blood on my hands. Sin deserves death, and we are all sinners. Christ dies for our sins and rose from the dead. He has redeemed, justified, reconciled, sanctifies, and one day glorifies those who believe and repent. God gives you opportunities daily to share the Gospel. You go to work with, school with, live with people who do not believe. Do not miss these opportunities and give God all the glory.