I once read an article which asked how I enjoyed the longest day of the year. Of course, the writer was talking about the first day of summer. When I read that article I could not answer his question because I could not remember what I did on that day.
This year I can answer that question easily because the first day of summer was last Sunday, and it was also Father’s Day. So, yes I enjoyed worshipping with our church family and visiting with one of my daughters in person, as well as talking with my other two daughters by phone.
Last Sunday didn’t really seem like the beginning of summerbecause we have had temperatures about five degrees above normal for the past two weeks already. However, technically it was, and it was the longest day of this year. The all-time longest day however is recorded in Joshua 10:12-14. This reads in part…
“The Lord was helping the Israelites defeat the Amorites that day. So about noon, Joshua prayed to the Lord loud enough for the Israelites to hear: ‘Our Lord, make the sun stop in the sky. . . and the moon stand still. . .’ So the sun and the moon stopped and stood still until Israel defeated its enemies . . . The sun stood still and didn’t go down for about a whole day. Never before and never since has the Lord done anything like that.”
One of the best war movies ever made was entitled “The Longest Day” and it was about D-Day. I am certain the soldiers who fought on that day would remember it as the longest day of their lives. But, on a personal level, we all face days which seem like they will never end. It might be waiting for the results of a medical test, or burying a loved one, or finishing our work day after having just been told that it is our last day to work for our employer.
Baby Boomers will remember an old song which said, “Momma said there’d be days like this”. For all the longest days of life the Bible has a great promise in Deuteronomy 33:25. It says, “As your days are, so shall your strength be”.
Bro. Dennis